A little life update

I've passed 40,000 words in the book, 50 posts on The Beaver Examiner, I have my first feedburner subscriber, and I started my marathon training Sunday with the world's slowest 10 k (which is okay, as it was an edurance run). On the downside, I've only written about a page of my play idea and only seem to be able to attract about 20 readers to The Beaver Examiner (basically you guys, family, an accident or two a day, plus one person each from Moncton, Ottawa, and Victoria.) I've also been meaning to make a few freelance pitches to The Halifax Chronicle-Herald but I keep getting distracted by all this other stuff.
I recently went to Karlskirche for the first time (pictured); there's scaffolding inside for renovations, so you can climb right up to that window at the very top, which, battling vertigo, I did. I also spent an afternoon in Klosterneuberg recently, a little town for rich people just outside the city, sort of an Austrian Rothesay except you can see all the houses from the road.
Sabine continues to teach German to foreigners six hours a day on weekdays, and soon she'll have to face the simultaneously unpleasant and exciting prospect of dismantling her life and rebuilding it on the other side of the ocean. I feel bad I'm doing it to her, and take solace in the fact that if things don't work out back in Canada I can easily imagine myself living in Vienna.
I love her more every day and can barely believe the number of times I almost dumped her early in the relationship. Thank goodness I'm a coward.